Harpswell Recreation & Community Services
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Dog Leash Rules for Town Properties

To report dog violations please call 1-800-501-1111 to dispatch the Animal Control officer.

Cliff Trail:
Dogs on leash from

10 am - 4 pm. Off leash and *under owner control at other times.

Devil's Back Trail Area: Dogs on leash from 10 am - 4 pm. Off leash and *under owner control at other times.

Giant's Stairs: Dogs on leash at all times.

Mackerel Cove: *Under owner control at all times.

Mitchell Field: Dogs on leash from 10 am - 4 pm. Off leash and *under owner control at other times.
North Beach: No dogs allowed.
South Beach: Dogs can be off leash to swim during 10-4 leashing hours.

*Under owner control is defined as: The dog is within sight and promptly returns upon command.

Remote collars are not considered a substitute for a leash.

Things you should know:

  • Dogs should be registered by January 31 of each year at the Town Clerk's office (Harpswell Residents).

  • Leash rules for Town Properties are on a trial basis. Following these rules will allow us to continue to offer off leash times.

  • Please be respectful of other property users while enjoying our outdoor spaces.

  • If you observe dog owners not following the posted rules it is okay to politely ask for their cooperation. If necessary, ask someone else to join you before approaching another user.

  • All Town Properties have dog bag waste stations. Please deposit used bags in the trash cans to protect other users, staff and wildlife.

  • For more information visit www.harpswell.maine.gov