Harpswell Recreation & Community Services
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Harpswell Community Garden Register View Cart

HCG Radish

Would you like to grow vegetables but lack enough space or sunlight? Would you like to be part of a community of gardeners? At Harpswell Community Garden you’ll find this and more.

The Community Garden is located within Mitchell Field off Route 123. We're an organic garden in a beautiful setting and plenty of sunshine. 

We offer 25 plots for rent by individuals, families and groups to organically grow food and flowers for their own use. Residents of Harpswell are given priority but plots may be rented to non-residents, depending on availability. 

The garden has a solar-powered well, water spigots placed throughout the plot area, a storage shed with communal tools, on-site composting, and reinforced fencing to reduce the entry of foraging animals. Gardeners may keep the same plot from year to year, and high quality compost is usually available for top dressing. Families are welcomed; picnic tables, a play area with climbing frame and sandbox will keep younger or non-gardening kids busy. There are also communal herb beds, asparagus mounds, and selected other perennial vegetables for our gardeners to share in.

How it Works

The Community Garden is a collaborative effort, and all gardeners are asked to be ‘good neighbors’ by keeping their plots and adjacent pathways weeded, harvested and in general good condition. Our Member Guidelines have more details.

Because plot fees and other funding don’t cover all our needs, many tasks must be done by volunteers. All gardeners are asked to contribute at least six hours of work throughout the season beyond their own plots and pathways. This might involve weeding, mowing, helping out in the Common Garden or other areas of general upkeep. We hold volunteer days, which are a good opportunity to meet other gardeners. We welcome all volunteers, whether or not they are gardeners!

Two plot sizes are available:
10' x 10' for $25*    10' x 15' for $35**Recommended fees: a lesser amount that fits your budget may be paid.

NOTE:  Plot priority will be given to year-round and seasonal residents.  Non-residents will be automatically placed on a wait list and will be offered a plot as space allows.

Questions?  Email communitygarden@town.harpswell.me.us

Payment Options
To pay online with credit or debit card: Sign in, register and choose online payment at checkout.

To pay in person at the Town Office: Sign in, register and choose paper registration at checkout. Print receipt of registration and submit payment by cash, check or credit card at the Town Office, 263 Mountain Road.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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HCG Plot 10 x 10 - NON RESIDENT 
N/A N/A SuTuThFSa  TBA $25.00 Non-Res
   Log In
HCG Plot 10 x 10 - RESIDENT 
N/A N/A SuTuThFSa  TBA $25.00 Res
   Log In
HCG Plot 10 x 15 - NON -RESIDENT 
N/A N/A SuTuThFSa  TBA $35.00 Non-Res
   Log In
HCG Plot 10 x 15 - RESIDENT 
N/A N/A SuTuThFSa  TBA $35.00 Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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