Harpswell Recreation & Community Services
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HYL Rookie Baseball Register View Cart

Program registration deadline is March 1st. 
Registration fee is $55 and includes T-shirt and hat.

Harpswell Youth League (HYL) Baseball is for children ages *7+8 (as of 4/30 of the current year).

HYL is part of a larger League, Ararat Baseball, that is comprised of Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, and Topsham. Games are played in the Midcoast Area. Practices and home games are held at Trufant-Summerton Athletic Field.

Practice days/times and game schedules won't be available until we get much closer to the beginning of the season and coaches are in place. Volunteer coaches make the team schedules based around their work/personal schedules. Emails will go out once your child is placed on a team and schedules are available. 

*If your 8 year old has advanced skill and maturity/coachability, they may try out for Minors level baseball with Ararat Baseball. Please email araratyouthbaseball@gmail.com for special assessment information. Additional information can be found at: 

*7 year olds that do not have any prior experience are strongly urged to participate in one year of T-ball prior to registering for a rookie team. This is not only for safety purposes, but also to make sure the participant has a basic baseball foundation, rule comprehension and the motor skills necessary to play.
* 6 year olds with at least one season of T-ball may be eligible to play Rookie Baseball. Requests will need to be approved by the Harpswell Recreation Department. To be considered, your child must be at the upper level of skill and maturity/coachability for age group.

If you have questions about your child's placement, including parents of 6 year olds interested in playing rookie, please contact Harpswell Recreation at 833.5771.

**Equipment required: Players should be prepared to supply their own equipment: batting helmet and glove.  

Bat Rules:
For updated information about bat rules: https://www.baberuthleague.org/bat-rules.aspx

 -It is not necessary to purchase a bat for your child in this program. The recreation department provides bats for all teams for practice and game use. 

Registration is closed on the due date or when teams are full. Late registrations will only be accepted if there is space available. 

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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HYL Rookie Baseball (7+8) 
7y - 8y N/A TBA $55.00 Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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