Harpswell Recreation & Community Services
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2025 Bandstand by the Sea Concert Series Register View Cart

Photo by Bill Muldoon
You can now donate with your credit or debit card!

With your donation, you take an active role in the music and the community and help us keep the concerts coming. Concerts at the Harpswell Bandstand by the Sea are supported solely by sponsorship and fundraising!

What else says summer more than a good old fashioned band concert at the Harpswell Bandstand by the Sea? Mom and Dad on the blanket, kids running and playing while listening to local and regional musicians play away. Grandma and Grandad are up in the front "cutting the rug"!

From its beginning as an idea, the contributions and construction talents of many Harpswell people created the Harpswell Bandstand by the Sea. Over the years since, thousands of Harpswell residents and summer visitors have enjoyed musical performances and an enriched sense of community.

During it's first 10 years the Harpswell Bandstand by the Sea has become a community gathering spot for wonderful music performances on warm summer evenings! Throughout those years the mission of the Harpswell Bandstand by the Sea has remained consistent; to build community and use music to build a bridge in our town.

The 2025 series will feature 10 weekly performances, July 3rd - August 28th, with a special Sunday performance on 8/17. The Harpswell Bandstand by the Sea summer series has proven to be very popular and we have grown significantly each year with several bands drawing over 500+.

So grab your lawn chairs and a picnic basket if you like, come on down to enjoy music and the community of people that make Harpswell a great hometown. See some old friends and make some new ones!


Harpswell Bandstand Committee
2025 Concert Series Schedule

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Bandstand Donations 
N/A N/A   04/01/2025 - 12/31/2025

$1.00 Res, $1.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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